Coming Soon

Lt. Travis Hurley
Memorial Page

End of Watch

Anyone that had ever met Travis Hurley, had met a friend. Travis was known for his infectious laugh and his love for his community. Travis was a 21 year veteran of the London Police Department, starting in December of 2000, and rose through the ranks to Lieutenant, which he retired as in 2021. Even after many years of service, Travis wasn’t done giving back to his community. In 2021, Travis returned to the London Police Department as a School Resource Officer.

Prior to joining the Police Department, Travis had met the love of his life, Angela, whom he had dated for five years before they were married in September of 2002. Four years later, they welcomed into the world their son, Andrew. As a family, they loved taking their Jeep out and riding together.

Over the years, Travis was recognized over and over by citizens, for his professionalism and exemplary service while handling calls and various situations that he encountered. Travis received a Medal of Valor, numerous Meritorious Service Awards and numerous Professional Esteem Awards.

In December of 2008, Travis was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, where he served as a Patrol Supervisor. In January of 2020, Travis was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant for his outstanding service to the London Police Department and the City of London. Travis also, for a time, served as a K9 handler for the Department. In addition to that, he also served as a Search and Rescue K9 Handler for the London Laurel Rescue Squad.

Many individuals remember Travis for his passion for children. Every year, Travis would travel to the schools to participate in Read Across America where he would read to elementary age children in the schools of Laurel County. Travis made such an impact in this regard, that in Honor of Travis, London Elementary School celebrates “Walk Like a Hero Day” every year during the week of Read Across America. During this time, first responders walk the halls of London Elementary School which are lined by cheering students who gave out high fives, hugs and hand drawn pictures for them.

In December of 2021, Travis contracted COVID. For many weeks, Travis ferociously fought but ultimately succumbed to his illness on 01/27/2022.

Travis will be missed every day, but his legacy and love for his community will live on and guide us all to be a better person.